Doc’s Detecting Gold Screamer Power Pack


Gold Screamer Power Pack

Finally – a simplified, amplified lightweight battery system for the Minelab SD, GP, and GPX series metal detectors!


Ditch the cord, the battery harness, and crank up the volume with the Gold Screamer power pack!


What it is:

The Gold Screamer Power Pack is a lightweight aftermarket battery and amplifier that mounts to the side of your metal detector.    But just because its small, doesn’t mean it there is a lack of performance!    By eliminating the long curly cord from the detector to the stock battery, a source of EMI is eliminated, making the machine run smoother.   Pair that with the amplifier which helps you hear those faint sounds means more targets for you to find.   Now you can dig all of those faint whispers!   Plus, these batteries run 7-8 hours per battery in most conditions!     We supply two of these batteries, so you have plenty of power to hunt all day.


What comes in a Gold Screamer Power Pack:

  • 1 Gold Screamer Amplifier/regulator/battery adapter
  • 2 – 7000 mAh Lithium Ion Batteries, each will power the unit for 7-8 hours
  • 1 Super battery charger with digital readout (new style, these are awesome!)
  • 1 AC and DC battery charger (old style, while supplies last)
  • Padded canvas control box cover with pouch to mount the Goldscreamer power pack to the machine, new style with cord loop
  • OPTIONAL – A splitter and an external speaker – only $30 more when ordering with the Gold Screamer Power Pack.  ($49.99 when ordered seperately).   If desired, select this option when adding it to the cart


Ordering options:

  1. Choose your Metal Detector
  2. Choose with or without an external speaker


Think about it this way…. a replacement stock Minelab GPX battery costs $441.00….

with the Gold Screamer Power Pack you get TWO batteries,

PLUS a cover,

PLUS a charger,

PLUS an amplifier,

PLUS lighter overall weight,

PLUS less EMI from the long cord elimination,

PLUS each battery only costs $50 to replace!

Try one today…. you will like the Gold Screamer Power Pack for your Minelab SD, GP, or GPX metal detector!